Wednesday, February 9, 2011

from behind fig trees

he knew
When he asked the question
he knew the answer
he must have known
that is His perogative
to Know -
to Know us better than we know ourselves

Where are you?
(Oh, how many times I have asked that of Him!)
but in the Garden he asked it of them
who had tasted good and evil
and suddenly
knew shame.

The shame hides me
i hide in the shame
from the shame
around the shame
I will destroy the glorious fig trees
in expression of shame

creditors, debtors, debtees
invoices bank statements unopened letters
bottles relationships colleagues unfinished
broken promises
boxes of cake, scores of chocolate eaten at midnight
carbon footprints, oil addictions, squandered lives
self-starvation, stealing, manipulating
viscious laughter, unacceptable and unacknowledged pleasure
warfare, germany, rwanda, china, bosnia, columbia, mexico america
who is the real abuser
rapists mascurading as security guards and (their) women cast out -
cast away -
grown victims of pedaphilia hang their heads
(as if the victim is at fault) -
our shame
litters this precious planet
a plastic island, a thousand species dead,
the mourning of silent springs
sounds like the whistle of wind through dry weeds
where once was lush pastoral land
before the oil was stolen from its burial chambers
and the climate changed

He said,
Where are you?
But he knew, he knew!
Why must he ask us to come forward?
Why must we of our own accord
step forward
from behind fig trees
and announce ourselves
announcing our shame and our bodies
such naked vulnerability
the girl who did not want her father to see her
the boy who did not know how to be a man
the fear of being cast out
(if you see me you will surely inevitably reject me)
the fall

An invitation:
Where are you?
To be seen.
To know good and evil
and to learn
that actually
you are good
that really
you are loved
and all that stuff
is just stuff
because we have already
survived the fall
we have already
been known
as beautiful.
To be broken
and discover inside
the sweet pink flesh
of figs -
this too surely
he knew.

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