not just not-only-not-technical; it's not just social and economic and political: we're talking about spiritualness. if we don't speak to the 'spiritual' aspects, people won't be empowered to do what needs to be done - and then they won't know how to become guideposts to others as they travel this unchartered journey.
ach, what was that?
- pause -
I should start again.
Get off my high horse.
Let me speak for myself.
Let me try this way:
i need to see this (movement?) as a spiritual (movement).
its really my own doubt that calls for such a prayer.
i just don't have enough faith
in myself or others
to believe
to really believe
that we and we alone can do this.
i need to believe
that there is some kind of a greater force
swirling within this 'movement'
i need to believe
that we are called forward
that we have now, here, an opportunity
to live out a dream reborn
to develop as full human beings
flourishing thriving supporting learning;
that climate change
and these other systemic catastrophes
are just
a ramification of a spiritual transition and I
can have the opportunity
(grant me the capacity)
to remove my ostrage skin
and grow wings big enough to catch the wind
and that these hands
may stop their relentless typing and reach
towards yours
(I can not do this alone)
may i learn
vulnerability and strength,
self-referential and interdependence
to be as
the spider on the web
the web on the leaves
the leaves in the canopy
the canopy - lord protect this canopy
from the chainsaws below
this transition:
grief and shining the light on hard places
compassion anger sadness
lost and -
'great transition moments':
taking us beyond ourselves
lay aside egos (gently, the masks are so fragile
once you take them away from the warmth of your face
they become brittle)
so we can shine.
we were standing outside on the balcony
brief and chilly and no real needs
(except perhaps the oldest)
staring at the rising concrete mass
neither of us pretending anything
silence together was enough
letting go of beating heart and churning breath
that followed the weekly accounting
refocusing on the bright blue sky
the chance (still!)
for another step towards
who i am called to be.
Two men leaning towards one another
Heads of movements
Two countries, two narratives, two different pathways
can they speak to one another
grappling for words in a common language
Can they work together, circling round, cautious, looking -
Where, where is the entry point
and the woman in the middle
gently questions them towards
common ground
so imperfectly and marvelously human.
can we intertwine such spiritual matters
into all our analysis?
can we serve ourselves bread
fresh warm and substantial
well formed
soft on the inside
to be broken
and shared
this simple bread
from the body of a living
give us this day.
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