Tuesday, April 12, 2011

approaching: gently

How do we approach
the presence of time past and time future
of the before and the coming
the here and the after?

(Approach gently,
while singing,

what posture do you take
when staring at the darkness
when startling at finding yourself in the moonlight
though you can not see.

what shape do you make
(can one possibly create?)
when you know his breathing is so shallow
a life is but a comma
or was it a period
that struck the right note at the wrong time
a question mark
rising against the shining sun.

what was more surprising
that he thinks he is dying
or that you are, somehow, still living
despite all the attempts
at shadow-dancing
cave-hiding and rocket-busting

when that other (pompous, ridiculous, well-paid) one
suggested the important things in life:
mortgages careers papers degrees
you thought
of him wheezing coughing bleeding:
struck by the fallacy of it all.

even the pale light of evening.
we (who) live our lives in twilight
despite an abundance of hot summer days
when as now
the world rushes -
and you - sitting.
or found?

what do i say
to such a man
as one caught
between too many different lives?
and I (freshly feminine),
hardly free myself
from the bonds of undoing.

hold on. let go
keep breathing

no need to doubt
the curve of the earth

or that your time too soon
will arrive:

How do we approach
the presence of time past and time future
the before and the coming
the here and the after?

no need for words just

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