Monday, September 26, 2011


he was one of the tall ones
speaking carefully
walking quickly
laughing, at times, easily
but vexation came
quickly to the dark wolf.
Avoiding assoilment
he tended to circumvent saints.
still he hunted goodness.
hankering: can't all that
damn intelligence
construct more than
speeches reports invoices -
grains of sand
when we need to move mountains.

sometimes captured
by the unexpected -
a strand of music
circumventing a star

by the ghost of her halo
shining through her eyes
rippling through her fingertips
dancing along the thin thread
that both kept lightly strumming,

He wondered at their music -
did he think it would last
this long?

how did it move in her body
when she let herself be

Really - do we seek beauty
in one another
or that the shape of our
the aching restless emptiness
find a-holding?

of course what is
that beauty
if not justice
and what is justice
if not darkness
by a halo
of wholeness

veni veni

most mornings, grey,
we don't even hear
ourselves harking

like angels
who have forgotten
that the mortals
are listening

unaware, not blissful
we flutter the wings
of our imagination
our attention hovering lingering
over strangers - rejecting/conforming
passing in and around friends
going through and between Desires

as if Eros
wasn't actually right there
taking notes, granting these
semi-conscious wishes
torn from unconscious patterning

You what is your clearing?

what have you not cleared
that such messiness you generate
you who are nothing less than
Named for the very depth
of your being:
veni veni

Thursday, September 22, 2011


So is this how we summon
one another
into Being:

Calling one another forth
by those sacred names
Dignity Joy Beloved

Fostering the Movement
to carry us
as we piece together the pieces
of our incompleteness
into some imperfect Wholeness

Nudging the tender creation
that can rise above, poised
and Reflect --
onto the darkly chaotic Waters.

Such tender work, this boldness
requiring the inner harbor
and the arms
of One - and another.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

funny how even now i keep
wanting you though you
are clearly on your side
and i on my side

i put you there after all.

funny how even now i
check my emails
or my phone
a missed one

but the one i'm missing
never really left me
is right - t/here if
only i would stop
for your name
as if i ever

Requirements of the cheerful order

the refrain ends with:

turn around right.

Towards what?

Returning -

to the truth.

Truth: live on a finite planet carrying finite beings.

Truth: to survive, much less thrive,

in a changing climate is to transform

production consumption governance

the house i call home.


Foxes warning: ‘keep your testimony against the world’s vast fashions.’

be plain.

Not 'fashionable' ‘green’ -

talk like leaves that easily blown away

Fashion: easy. – easy food, easy relationships, easy work.

Easy come – and easy go.

Where is the nourishment? the ground?

that which is most - profound?

The meal:

cornbread, homemade

a fresh tomato-and-avocado salad - red and green and

lightly salted.

dahl, smooth and rich and properly spiced.

a mushroom risotto, homemade chutney, yams with rice, local cheese, local apples and grapes. And extra rosemary.

Rightly ordered?

Is your stew prepared

to save you from those binges of packaged meals?

Is your week planned

around the local shops and farmers markets?

Is your advocacy geared

towards the right order of the planet

for substantially more enjoyable and delicious eating?

ah, the radicalness of simple joy!

Awash in the nightmares of climate change, despair is easy to come by – and not to be avoided. Only in facing that despair do we risk any hope of coming into the next opening.

Alignment: no sugar. no caffeine. no booze.

Alignment: good work, paid. more joy.

self-discovery: tantamount to the practice of simplicity.

Alignment: essence mirroring essence.

refrain from all that leads to scattered thoughts, diluted meaning and the slow painful reduction into mediocre lives.

I crave good order

The ‘essence’ of Spirit I seek remains clouded.

so much daily footwork

just to clear the windows – even to


the shades. I

seem unable to discern


Our meal

seasoned well with those

occaisional, spontaneous moments of silence.

Then, I knew we were traversing

further afield than the limits of our physical selves.

in turning towards the truth of the limits to growth,

we turn towards the truth of the limitlessness


of fellowship

that continually, collectively delving deeper

into our own essences can bring us.

(reflecting on the day)

life is strange yo...
complexity and simplicity
bubblin rivers n roarin brooks
spewing emails and falling leaves
creating the old
facilitating the professionals
professionalising the facilitator

hpyocrites and saints
and what-the-hell

seeking dynamic stillness

Grace, like Beauty, Arises

Tumbling, broken
into wholeness.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years on

Papa said: we will never be the same.

I tried to understand
Absolute State Changes
To wrap my head around
a future that would never resemble the past.

'we will not falter we will not fail.'

except we did falter
we did fail
our innocence drowned
between two great oceans
did we 'export enough hope and optimism?'
now....dim dim dim as we look in
Trillions for a hornet's nest in Iraq
for 3,000 americans - more than that, now, gone
Unity temporarily achieved - heros in fire-proof yellow
Commerce-shopping gained; then that shuttering Crisis
our own Reserve becoming an Enemy causing a Meltdown
Fiscal shudders overseas sweat barely remembered
As children watch their mothers
standin beneath unemployment signs
Outlined by an Eastern light from behind that old Rising Sun
but the light is chilly: we fear the Dragon who feeds us.
a new world, a new world.

Arab's bright spring flowers
stuck into the guns of those strict Regimes
a new world - a new world.
do not miscalculate the 'ultimate result'
they say
but what is ultimate
and what is the result
10 years of war? 30?
a generation - gone?
a warming world that will never change
back again?
a new world, a new world.

And the changin'
its only just begun.


to paint this morning's momentous sky
give me a brush
made of falling leaves and apple skins
a box of colors
from lavender flowers and scented rainbows
a canvas
of textured cotton balls and white leather

silver gray white
dancing rain and sun
no blues here
the delight
of change and change and change again

the sky the color
of horses galloping on the hills
of a german philosopher who wrote social revolution
from a circular reading room.
the color
of sheeps' bleating and children playing
the season of partridge and game and beginnings

oh lord i aint
no stranger
not to you
not to you
not on the morning of such sky
that holds such glory
as thine eyes upon us all -
even as we cry


let yourself be
early morning sunshine
knows no boundaries
of clouds -
stretches color beneath them
an array of pinks and glories

the steadyness of the sun
between so many other uncertainties
this at least
the same.

the beauty of the dawn let yourself
out of bed and
at the craziness of your thinking
that today is the same as yesterday
and that tomorrow
has any bearing on either

let yourelf
be beautiful
as you
embrace the women
who stand at the doorway to
(the one you created) youre still
my love.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

capsizing sap

He'd take the brook.
She'd take the boat.
Neither of them
But both owned
a fine pair of telescopes
and enough laughter
to keep them bubbling
along bobbing.

She'd been long
in the forest.
In the woods the sap
dark molasses
moved slowly.
She had plenty of incentive
but the
seemed immune to the forest fires
not so far away it kept
a slow pace
a thickness
a tear in slow motion.
as if she didn't have to change
at all.

He, a wanderer.
How thick was he, anyways?
Would he narrow down
enough to be here
widen up there
substantiate himself
long enough to be anywhere
Value someone else
out there?

She still
hadn't taken
the test
to measure It.
she didn't really
want to know
what she already knew
that was
the way of destruction
the old one
had told her so.
and back when she didn't know
she believed
and when that belief
ebbed its way into truth
she couldn't recall but it was hard to
change the shape of the knowing
even if it was bleeding
her dry

Recognising the dryness
he took her out
on the waters.
she capsized
and then stood up
he kept chasing her
and then falling in
she managed to only knock
one other team player
really quite victorious
for someone as
new as she but of course being fresh
she could change direction so (too) easily
the water flowed so quickly the wind
and she blew
with the wind
the thrill! the boats
raced, tilting skimming slicing
their way home

wall and boat:
no matter. she was
no longer
the viscosity of

thick quiets

Are we playing a game -
who can keep quiet the longest
before breaking - speaking?
You'd win.
(you win most games you play.)

(or is it just chance, and i'm

I'd prefer
to focus on


(Spoken, just for the record,)
I can do silence.

I and the rest of us -
all those
little silences
bowing to convention
the silence between
the complaints
and the kvetching
and the networking
when really nothing
is happening.

into the room: such grumbling
into their late-day conversation
my innocent questioning
of their mutterings on matterings
do you not know what you are doing?
Oh, its not the doings
its the beings
that are so troubling
really who is this Team?
So much stuff but Who
are we?

What histories had been lost in the
so much chatter. Reports and workshops
like hammer and nail
the silence around the Matter
like shovel and gravel and six feet
Repetition as our only permanence.
Breathing, Running. Breaking.

The words change but too much else stays the same
yesterday's poverty's today's inequality I
wonder at the silence on
ownership and the arrogance of assuming
anyone is listening.
Their game:
talk fast hard loud
in certain places at certain times
Repetition of key words
Changing those phrases (environment - sustainability - strategy)
to produce: the same (new man in the corner office, darker colored skin)
the heavy viscosity of the system that
really doesn't move
rapidly transitioning language
leaves the spaces between each note thick
those dark silences
of too many values-priorities untouched


When I turn off the lights
finally find a rest
for fables and neurological burn-ways,
there is a wind outside my window
that passes sweetly around my lips
i wrap Silence around me You
old lover with Your
arms and presence
as thick
as the sweetest lavender-scented honey
such glorious viscosity
that sinks into the depths of soul
quieting all else until we find Ourselves
gently carried

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

water falls

Sometimes the world really is flat

And ships go over the edges

of waterfalls roaring into darkness

And the sea monsters

Swallow them


And then, the next moment,

the world is round again.

You are simply sitting there,


At the bottom

Of the sea monster’s belly

There is a lake

And on misty days

You are not entirely sure

If the warmth

Is his digestion

Or if that really is

A sun-stroked land

Up ahead.

People come and go

As if all of this is normal.

Maybe it is.

Really, you are still multi-dimensional

Still substantially round.

Yet too much is flat

(and hot and crowded)

Too much is slippery and smooth


Un grown, untendered.

That fraud - the clean blank silent slate:

As if the past never happened.

A more accurate truth: we are aging.

There is a callus

On the ring finger

Where his band

Used to rest –

Even in his absence

even in his aching quiet

He is still there.

In the morning

The rain came.

The waters we sail on

Fall from the sky

(where we were once dreaming)

Onto all of us sailors

Blurring distinctions

Between sound and


Monday, September 5, 2011

keep it simple

he said he had no need
for drama.

i was about to say,
me neither
and then suddenly
i wondered.

if i had habitually done
what we too often do -
so much drama.

when we have no choice
because we have already chosen
we have been chosen
and we know ourselves as
spoken for

we know the sweet sound
of our own name
like a ripple
without a wind we
seek a centre and a

somehow there has come
a clutter
like a tyrant
of an ostrage.

i want no more of it.
no more of this angst
turmoils of unproductivity
looking wanting yearning
bring it to me now
front and centre
no need for hiding.

it is in love
that we are

betwixt betweens

on the edge of the green leaves
comes the beginnings of the red
in the midst of a mid-day, sun-drenched walk
the rain comes swiftly
sunrise turns grey, grey turns pink
apples fall into my hands
pears overflow my pantry
snakes relish the damp and the slowly falling leaves
in the morning
my bike seat
is wet.

He came back brown
fresh, muscles well used, tendons stretched
pleasure sought - found
his stride long again - there is something new.

ah luvlie,
she said, you've done so much
she said, you've changed.
she said, its just beginning.

I've watched the leaves turn.
now i think they never stop turning
its just one big ol' turn
yet another hue
for the next chapter and verse
of the season.

am i turning red too?
my tan is fading.
the call is clearer -

quietly surprised -
there you are (again)
working. are you well-tethered?
i wonder where is your wondering.
are you alligning
your own turning a bit slower - is that a glass of red wine?
leaning-easy, overlooking drifting leaves
onto the street corner's brook
the bees are fretting, honey-making
they feel the sharp winds gathering
and our hive - fretting, hallucinating
markets turmoiling
they say we don't have much time I'm
oddly grateful

if the world is collapsing at least I
am experienced
in picking up the pieces
practiced in building
from the shards of broken sentences
a house of poetry
and laughter