Saturday, November 26, 2011

tinker bells and shifting shapes

too much shape shifting
serves neither
nor shape.

there was a shape
or at least a shadow
on the wall
by my window
a rather tantalyzing
tall and dark
head bowed
eyes looking up.

his nos slipped
towards yeses and his
yeses were conditional
on a world of moving particles
where he fell
moving between them.

it just so happened
his own substance was
fit enough
so that his movements
an attractor,
strange enough
on panels and committees and
dinner discussions
of those critical goal-changing games
popular on a finite planet
of nearly endless possibilities
worlds upon worlds
interweaving and contradicting
innovative shadow-systems and
entrepeneurial black criminal holes
lovers and liers and leapers -
anything could occur
except that:
we have only

disgruntled with dishonesty i pace
the distance
between words and paper.

his words echo
reverberating in fear's canyon:

I do not want to wake up in my 50s
having fallen into

and there was that man, tall:
hair turned grey in 4 years
running again,
running fast
and not fast enough.
he who (still!) fears the Stance
of Shape.

there was the woman
i would have gladly married
but never mustered the courage
to so much as kiss -
and then those i buried
myself into, steaming up
windows and blushing strangers
but would never

there was that paper
i didn't actually publish
and later someone else
won awards
for lesser work.

there was that meeting
with the top man
and the top woman
and the top go-between.
i've sat with them all.
but still i sit

none of that
matters now.
it just got me here.
and that's enough.

now darkness
takes over the earth.
amidst short red skirts
clicking heels and
tinker bells i
can i make
this emerging shape not
through time

he is learning
a new shift
into a shape
grounded in
soil and stardust and
even a shimmer of

we from our depths:
to move past the shadow
through the door that opens when
blowing closed:

to take our
place amongst the
constellations that
raise their eyebrows at our
destiny (such potential!)
that we are still
learning to
where our yays are yays
and suddenly all is
and the world is
(somehow even now)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


What's this

there was such
on the mountain top
but then I
kept wandering in your

as if dark damp shadows
were to be preferred
to sunbeams

I've been a cave dweller
in the forest
surrounded by

I knew enough:
these waters were
by decades of extraction
legitimacy's inconsequential

why didn't
I keep traveling
to the spring's source?
because the road was

now looking at your
reflection in the
darkness of the

you never mentioned
(bless her)

I guess I'll
go back to

Monday, November 14, 2011

whats and whens

so when.

so many books but the question is not of
more information
its in the writing
in the shaping of words
and the communicating
who hears this

the whens.

some planets circle long
i didn't see pluto returning
until now
black and cold
that force that
turns my head
And then there is Saturn
heavy and deep
Compelling: that question
that begs to be answered.

ah, the whats and the whens
not just the ideas
that flow like water
but the concreteness
of exactitude finite calenders
the timely ordering of planets
the right ordering of our lives

the weight
and the pressure
of so much that we love:
when, when, when
shall i see you
what what what
will i say
when the thoughts are gathered